Sailors on the Sea

Monday, January 12, 2009

POM - Progress Report

My current work in process (WIP) is The Power of Music. Not sure if that title is going to live forever. It doesn't capture what I'm thinking I'm going to write. No matter. It's a WIP.

No comments on the ten points I have, so I guess I'll proceed as though everyone thinks they're wonderful. Regarding the actual work of writing the story - I have yet to pen/type the first word. However, I have come up with names for the main characters.

Auryea will be my Main Character. She has a nice name. Means "song". In fact, all of the twelve maidens selected by The Music have names which mean "song". I may have to alter the spelling on a few (such as I did with Auryea), but they have names. Now they begin to leave the realm of mists and shadows and enter the world of light and clarity. (Wish I could write like that. My writing tends to stay in the mists and shadows - so no one can figure out what the h*ll I'm trying to say.)

Musette is another of the "Chosen Maidens". My emotions are telling me Musette and Auryea are going to be friends.

The Prospects for King have been named, too. Their names all mean strength, power or something along those lines. There are four Prospects, but somehow I'm thinking (feeling) that Mogens and Raghnal are going to wind up being the top candidates. We'll see.

The Old King's name is Sholto, which means "sower". He is dead at story's beginning, but there is this idea of him appearing in some kind of flashback or mystical sense. Not sure, but I named him just in case.

Finally, I have named The Music, which was the ruling power of Sholto. With Sholto's death, The Music is now dying, too. She is referred to as The Music, but once she had a name, and with the king's death she has the power to converse with the selected maidens. Well, kind of. Her name is Mandira, which means "temple, melody".

The pieces are on the board - well, the starting pieces anyway - so it's time to find a high place, jump into the winds and stretch my wings. I think they still work. If not, I'm going to have one h*ll of a headache.

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A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think