Sailors on the Sea

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When You Arrive at a Fork in the Road You Know it's Time to Eat

Got to thinking about my submissions to Evil Editor. (Got two things in.)

Then I was thinking I should change the music link on this blog, so I began rifling through my file of song links to YouTube. Came across The New Seekers singing, Look What They've Done to My Song.

How appropriate. I know I'm going to be shredded. But I'm really feeling the sentiment now.

Have you ever had the sense that you were finally poised to achieve something? That a correct decision now, or a foolish one, would make the difference for years to come? That's kind of how I'm feeling.

Strange that I should have this feeling now, when I'm so close to the bottom I can almost brush it with my knuckles as it flows past. Something inside me keeps saying this is the year of my breakout - or breakup. Either I begin to rise and achieve the things I've always dreamed of, or I crash into the swamp and my dreams are swallowed up by the irksome mire of reality. One of these outcomes is my future. But the future is written in sand, not stone. A decision here, a coincidence there, and the future changes. Just like my stories.

When I found myself writing about Kiahva I never dreamed she would fall in love as she did. That was not my plan. To be honest, I didn't have one. Kiahva showed up as complete inspiration. Perhaps that is why I like her so. There's a sweetness about her which I find compelling. And so I wrote the sequel.

I had a plan with the sequel, but I failed to pull it off. Now, after Fairyhedgehog's review I'm rewriting the sequel. It's going to be the same story, only different. The wind has blown over the sand, altering the plan and providing new direction. It's going to be great.

So with my life. The winds of choice are blowing now. The image of failure appears to be altering. To what? Success? A final crash? Not sure yet. But this is the year. Of that I'm sure.

Just saw one of the links to choose from when the song above finishes. Your Song, by Elton John. I sang that over the radio. That was a beautiful moment in my life, despite the one I sang it for not being there. The audience stretched out before me into the dark until I couldn't see them anymore. And I sang the song to piano accompanyment. Elton's radio version is the best, but I think the rendition I did on that quiet evening in 1974 was better than the link above. I remember it now. It was my farewell song to someone I loved so very much. She never heard it.


fairyhedgehog said...

You sang on the radio? Cool!

Bevie said...

Just a local station. I doubt a thousand people heard it. But it was cool.

fairyhedgehog said...

A thousand! That's a lot.

I wouldn't sing where anyone can hear me as I tend to lose the tune and squeak on high notes.

Bevie said...

My voice cracks now, too. And I can't hit the high notes at all. But "Your Song" I can still do okay.

The performance was played back on delay, so I actually got to hear myself over the radio. The "live" audience was only a few hundred.

Whirlochre said...

I always thought the guy in the New Seekers (bottom in pic) was an alien. Turns out he was Julia Roberts before she hit the big screen.

Having just completed my own WIP (more or less) I am aware of the Will It Won't It scenario you describe.

Fingers crossed — unless you're eating with chopsticks...

Bevie said...

"Turns out he was Julia Roberts before she hit the big screen."

I think she also played Jabba the Hutt.

writtenwyrdd said...

I'm sure that you will get lots of good insights from the Evil Editor and the minions.

Bevie said...

I always have. It's kind of like my recent visits to the doctor and the dentist. I get stuck with a lot of needles, and I'm greatly inconvenienced, but in the end I know what's wrong with me and what I have to do to fix them.

No pain. No gain. Who said that? I want to slap them.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think