Sailors on the Sea

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Guest Comment

Took some time off to allow everyone to catch up with all my posts. I'll try to curb my enthusiasm now and restrict myself to a single daily post on each blog. Maybe sometimes, I'll have a second. But it's back to normal now.

Well, kind of normal. This particular post is actually not a post. Technically, it's a comment on Kiersten's blog. But I needed pictures, and I don't think pictures are allowed in comments. So I asked if I could post the text as a comment with a link back to this post.

The comment is my submission for a contest Kiersten is having. The choice was to either explain why I visit her blog in the first place, or write the opening paragraph for her biography. I figured I stood a better chance of being humorous and cute with the biography. (Actually, it's tempting to write a biography for ALL of the bloggers who I visit. That would be cool. Thanks, Kiersten!)

I got the super hero picture from a website Writtenwyrdd (and others) linked to. (I saw it on Writtenwyrdd first.)

So, without further ado (I always provide lots of ado [grin]) here is my contest submission for Kiersten Writes.

Kiersten: From The Intimidating MASKED WIZARD to Famous Author
By Bevie James (suck-up extraordinaire)

Until her rise to fame and fortune as the world’s top YA author, Kiersten was best known for her Super Hero activities along the Western Seaboard. As “The Masked Wizard,” she ranged the coast weeding out the horrors of poor punctuation and grammar until that fateful day when the evil assassin, “Anonymous,” discovered her weakness: cabbage. Only the timely arrival of the equally magnificent “Hot Stuff” saved her from the smelly interior of The Cabbage Patch. But the ordeal left her weakened - and short. (She lost eight inches to her frame.) So she turned to writing. But how did this mild mannered woman of the west rise to such heights as “The Masked Wizard” and “Author Fantastic”? That is the reason for this book.

(left) Kiersten at the peak of her Super Hero prowess.


(above) Kiersten after her ordeal. Many thought she had died. But Hot Stuff was there.
(right) Kiersten today.




Hot Stuff, after Kiersten marked him for her own.


fairyhedgehog said...

Nice one, Bevie!

Bevie said...

Thanks. Hope Kiersten thinks it's funny. (And her followers.)

Kiersten White said...

Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Yes, very funny ; ) And CUTE!

Bevie said...

Thanks, Kiersten.

All in fun. [smiles]

I'm thinking we should create a Minions' Super Hero Force, and write short pieces of what each hero is doing.

Might make a decent Evil Editor exercise.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think