Sailors on the Sea

Friday, December 12, 2008

Spargeld the Magnificent

Spargeld is a story I began back in the early 1980s. It started as a joke with my sister-in-law. Then, after we had laughed about it, we decided I should begin writing an actual story. I know I began writing it, and I had mapped out a lot of what needed to happen, but the archives appear to be empty on this one. This is what I remember.

Spargeld (spare change) was a roaming warrior, hiring himself out to whomever when he needed money, and moving on when the job became dull. He arrives in a village in time to see several soldiers attempting to sieze a rough looking woman (she is quite homely, actually), who is doing an excellent job of keeping them at bay. He inquires of a bystander what the woman's crime is. Is she a harlot? The bystander wryly replies that the opposite is most likely. She probably refused one or more of the soldiers and now they plan to take by force what she refused to sell. Of course, Spargeld involves himself, saving the woman and earning the soldiers' wrath. (I forget her name. Isn't that horrible? I remember it was cool, though.)

That's as far as I got (if memory is all it's cracked up to be). Here are some other elements.

The "world" consists of a circular area surrounded by darkness.

The circle is made up of rings. Each ring is separated by a wall. Old construction is near the center. Newer construction is at the outer rim.

The world is run by powerful Barons. They maintain their power by means of hiring mercenaries, such as Spargeld.

Some Barons are powerful, and not to be trifled with. (No prizes for guessing which type of baron the soldiers Spargeld upsets belong to.)

At the world's center is an island. On the island is a castle/fortress with a tower reaching up into the clouds. This was the home of the old king and queen. It is deserted now. (I actually remember writing about this. Memory may be more cracked than I thought. You know, I may have actually finished Spargeld the Magnificent. If so, I have a lost manuscript floating around in the archives.)

Spargeld, and the woman with him, wind up fleeing the soldiers. I don't remember why. It was for more than just his beating up a few. I think it was because the Baron who's soldiers Spargeld "beats up" actually serves a Demon Lord from the outer darkness. It's kind of coming back to me now. The rings represented different points in the world's history, revealing kingdom boundaries. The Demons from the Outer Darkness oppress the Circle Kingdom. When there had been a king, the Circle Kingdom had fought to expand. At the time of Spargeld, the king has been dead for several generations. Without a king, the world remains divided by reason of the Barons. The divisions have widened to the point that the Demon Lords see a chance to make an inroad into the kingdom, and perhaps destroy it once and for all. The woman has uncovered the plot, and Spargeld has become her guardian. Now they are trying to reach the other Barons to warn them of what is taking place and try to rally them to fight back.

It's pretty basic stuff. And, as I indicated, the entire story was began as a joke. I don't know that it was intended as a series, but I suppose it could be. It's just one of those stories. I like the name, though:

Spargeld, the Magnificent

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A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think