Sailors on the Sea

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Music as Inspiration

I have always been inspired by music. Sometimes by the lyrics, but mostly the sound. For fantasy, I particularly like haunting sounds, such as Are You Sitting Comfortably by the Moody Blues, and Eres Tu by Mocedades.

The earliest inspirations for Swords of Fire came from a combination of dreams, interest and music. Fernando, by Abba, was one of the earliest song inspirations. The song is about a war in Mexico fought with guns, but the lyrics were less important to me than the music. Fernando has both the necessary haunting sound for fantasy, as well as a powerful battle cry. That the song speaks of defeat made it even better, for the scene it inspired was a scene of defeat. There was a time when Madatar was actually called Fernando. I liked the meaning. Fernando means "world traveler". It fit. But eventually I abandoned it. It just didn't fit. Especially when I trashed the original story and began at another point in time. That first version, The White King of Ladondo, may never be written.

I wrote a funeral scene while imagining Eres Tu in my head. I had to keep wiping tears so they wouldn't fall on the paper. Without the music the scene was just silly.

Music creates mood - for me - and it can sustain the mood for a long time. It is not unusual for me to listen to the same song(s) over and over and over again while I write a scene. The Moody Blues are probably most often represented, although there are others.

I have written song lyrics a few times for Swords of Fire. Probably my favorite is Elven Wings at Rest, which is posted both here and on A Voice in the Wind. Perhaps others will read the song and think, "What dribble!" But I hear the music, and the music supercedes the words. I expect that is why I tend to be wordy in what I write: the music is always playing - in my head.


Anonymous said...

I completely am sympatico with you about music. It's not always the lyrics (but often is), but it's the sound. I'm a profound music lover but not the kind of music a respected music lover would love. But, it's all music. My taste is eclectic and I collect all sorts, but primarily female singers.

Bevie said...

I'm a profound music lover but not the kind of music a respected music lover would love.

I agree. I'm that way with books and stuff, too. Pretty much everything, actually. If the music touches me, it doesn't have to be good. And if it doesn't, then it doesn't matter if it is.

My taste is eclectic

Same here. I like the Moody Blues, Johnny Cash, Christina Aguilara, Karen Carpenter and a host of others. I have a NatureQuest cd called Dolphin Serenade by Marty Weintraub in which dolphin singing has been added to jazz and new age compilations.

About the only music I don't like is RAP and Opera. I think it's because RAP focuses on lyrics and Opera focuses on singing. I'm interested in the sound.

Welcome, and thank you for the comment. You are the third person to do so on any of my blogs. It seems wierd to find I'm not always writing to myself.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think