Sailors on the Sea

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Launch Date: June 18th, 2009

See edit note at bottom of post.

Today I am telling myself I will send out my query for Swords of Fire: Traitor. I have done this several times before. The first time was back in the early 1980s. The last was in the fall of 2008. Every other time I sent out a query I did so with high hopes - and even expectations. The high hopes are gone now. The expectations are still here, though. Only they've changed. I'm expecting to be rejected. Why? Because I don't believe in the book? I think my query s*cks? No. I think the book is great. And I think I've got a decent query. But I don't dare believe anymore. It is too crushing to come down from that height again. So I don't climb anymore.

It seems I have returned to my roots. You know them, I'm sure. You've probably shared some of them. These are the things we (I) learned as young children. Things such as, "Good things only happen to other people."

My sister-in-law, B, once told me something which I have never forgotten. She said it to be silly, but knowing her I expect there was more than a little truth in the statement. We had been talking about achieving something great. Don't remember what it was, but the odds were against us. She was getting all excited and had actually convinced herself it was going to happen. In typical fashion, I felt the need to caution her against succumbing to enthusiasm. The let down would be horrible, and I didn't want to see her hurt. What she said was this:

I choose to get excited before the fact, because after the fact there might not be anything to get excited about.

We had a good laugh over that, and B continued to be enthused. Later, it turned out she was right. There wasn't anything to be excited about. Things went according to the odds.

I learned not to be that way at a very young age. Now I don't know who I'm more angry with: whoever it was that taught me this; or myself for learning it.

There are vague memories in my mind and heart of a time when I believed. Believed in the future. Believed in good things happening. Believed in myself. There was a confidence which encompassed me as I moved through life.

Now I find myself paraphrasing B's statement.

I choose to refrain from excitement before the fact so that the pain I feel afterward can be minimized.

I guess that's why I've been dragging my feet with this query. All previous efforts were done quickly, and I sent them out with B's attitude. Now I see it as an invitation to pain, and I've not been in any hurry to get it done.

Well, it's done now. The query is ready. I have a place to send it. If only I could believe there was a chance I could feel some joy about this. I suppose the very act of sending it demonstrates at least hope. I did work on this. This was not slapped together in five minutes. I worked on it. Submitted it for critique. Then used those recommendations to polish it to what it is now. Part of me does believe or I would not have undertaken the effort. It's my emotions. They've run out of courage. In that regard, I'm empty. I have no armor to protect myself from the feelings which accompany rejection.

No matter. The query is ready. It leaves today. I must take my wounds like everyone else.

Pity. You know?

EDIT NOTE: The query is on its way.


fairyhedgehog said...

Good Luck, Bevie.

I would look at it as looking for the right agent. Every agent who rejects this is not the right agent, therefore you have eliminated one of the wrong agents and you're that much nearer to finding the right one.

Bevie said...

I like the way you always see the positive side to things. Wish I was more like that.

fairyhedgehog said...

It's a choice you can make. You can't make yourself believe that the world is like this. I'm not even sure I believe that myself but you can treat it like a game where you act as if this were true. It has a similar effect!

jaz said...

I have a good feeling about this, Bevie. You've worked really hard. Keep us posted!

Bevie said...

Choices. They're kind of exhausting sometimes, aren't they? Well, like I indicated in the post, I must have some believing going on or I wouldn't have sent the query in the first place. Hope is a form of belief, and that's what I have. It isn't quite a "hail Mary" pass.

I suppose what I should be doing is searching for the next agent to send the query to. Give me a day or two with that one.

Bevie said...

Thanks, Jennifer. I have worked hard - both on the story and the query. It would be nice to see both bear fruit.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think