Sailors on the Sea

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Musical Inspiration

I'll be lucky to finish this post. Started out all right, but now I'm crabby. I hate losing a mood, but that's what happened. I started out to do a post about Johnny Cash music. I wanted to link to a special song, but YouTube doesn't have it. So I figured I would just make a short film of still pictures with that song in the background. It worked. And then I tried to upload it to YouTube. Turns out the reason the song isn't there is because YouTube has blocked all efforts to upload it. Something to do with copyright.

To be honest I don't understand how copyright works with YouTube. There are hundreds of songs there which I know have to be copyrighted by someobody, but they're there. In fact, I just found another Johnny Cash song on YouTube. Go figure.

And that's not the complete end of my little annoyances. I'm trying to do this post and it's one question after another. How many times must I say "I don't care" before the message that "I don't care" gets through? Whatever you want is fine with me. Something. Nothing. Everything. I don't care right now. And I won't complain about it later. Promise. Just want my music.

Whatever. I know I'm a creep. But if I get to listen to my music that goes away. Sometimes I wish I were important enough that people cared about that.

Sorry. I've no right to complain. None at all. Sorry. Being sorry is what I do best, I guess. That's because I get so much practice at it, I think. Sigh.

All I wanted to do was talk about Johnny Cash. If there is a single artist I like listening to it is Johnny Cash. He was the first I knew, and you know what they say about the first time for anything? The wind never blows so sweet again.

Listening to Orange Blossom Special. Daddy used to like that one. He used to sing it, too.

The first song of his I remember hearing was Ring of Fire. Over the years I heard many more, but a number of years ago I purchased a 4-disc set of nothing but Johnny Cash songs. I got 104 songs for whatever price I paid. Can't remember. Too long ago. But the set contains a wealth of songs I had never heard before, including The Wall, which is on this post.

Right now I'm listening to a Johnny Cash-Bob Dylan duet called, Girl From the North Country. It's a haunting song, useful when I work on Swords of Fire. This particular disc has several songs I particularly like, including, You Can't Beat Jesus Christ - with Waylon Jennings; There Ain't No Good Chain Gang - with Waylon Jennings; I Walk the Line (Revisited) - with Rodney Crowell; Highwayman - with Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, and Waylon Jennings; The Wanderer - with U2; and September When it Comes - with daughter Rosanne Cash.

Some of the songs I can sing. Some even I know better than to claim it. The man sang some good songs. He understood what it meant to hurt with hurts that just don't go away.

His music is conducive to creative writing. For me anyway.


Trina said...

I owe my love of Johnny to my dad as well. Never disowned him even if I had to keep it a secret during those years of my life when it wasn't cool to like the music your parents liked. I have a harder time writing with the music playing though because I tend to stop and listen or sing along.

Bevie said...

Actually, it was my brother who introduced me to Johnny Cash. My brother never got into the music of our generation and is, in fact, quite boring in that regard. (Fun about other things though.)

I took the criticism. I love rhythm and blues, rock 'n roll, and country music equally, and wasn't afraid to tell my classmates so. Some did make fun, but I didn't care. Music is like a friend that never goes away.

There is often music of some kind going on when I write, though not always. I will pause during an especially moving piece, but it helps me more than hurts when the music is right.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think