Sailors on the Sea

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Lost a Follower this week. That's disappointing, but I bear no ill regard. My posts are not exactly the most uplifting.

For myself, I am now officially following eight blogs. There are twenty-two I visit at least once every day, and fourteen more which I visit occassionally.

It's kind of odd, this cyber-world we inhabit. Apart from Spouse and Son, the only people I am in contact with regularly are here. I belong to two chat rooms, but I don't visit either of them. The one doesn't work worth a d*amn on my machine. Wrong graphics or something. The other tends to deal with subjects I would just as soon avoid. So my communication with the outside world is done mostly through blogs.

Of the twenty-two I visit daily, never are there more than eight or nine with new posts. Today it was only six. I also visited five of my "blogs in waiting" this morning. None of them had new posts.

I've rearranged my "daily blogs" and "blogs in waiting" a bit. When a "daily blog" goes very quiet (no posts for more than a week at a time) and a "blog in waiting" becomes active (at least three posts in a week), I will switch them. I've done that four times this year already. In fact, I did one just this morning.

The people who's blogs I visit are quite a varied group. Kind of like my music. There seems to be something of everything. Most of those I visit are writers, or people who enjoy writing. Not all. Some share my faith, some don't. Some do not personally recognize any faith. Some have lifestyles so different from my own it kind of amazes me that I return to read what they have written. But I do.

There are those to descry the move toward written communication. They cite that only 40% of a message can be accurately transmitted via written words. We need our ears, and often our eyes, to truly get a message. This I know. I've lost count of the number of times I wrote something to be funny only to grossly offend someone. But then I've had that happen face-to-face, too.

But for people like me, written communication is about the only way we get to talk with anyone. It seems safe. For me, anyway.


fairyhedgehog said...

Since I've been ill I rely hugely on the internet for entertainment and a social life. It's not the same as face to face and that makes it less tiring for me.

Bevie said...

Less tiring. That's a good way of putting it, too.

One can take an hour to answer a question and no one minds!

Like so many things in life, it is a two-edged sword. There are advantages and disadvantages.

I'm mostly glad for it, though. Without the internet I would be missing out on some very nice people.


A Tentative Schedule

Monday - Progress Report
Where am I with regard to the Current Book

Tuesday - Thoughts About Writing
I was going to be profound, but let's be real

Wednesday - What Am I Learning
What can I take from what I am doing

Thursday - Work Sent Out For Review
Respondes to my submissions

Friday - Other Works of Fantasy
Some of my other fantasy writing

Saturday - The Impact of Music
How music has influenced what I write

Sunday - Venting
My 'morbid' time. A safe compromise, I think